Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Mommy Don't Learn Easy

Back in the day, whenever my friends and I would go on trips or spend weekends away, I’d document the (most often drunken) hilarity with a ‘Quote Book.’  I still look back occasionally and laugh hysterically at the nonsense I’ve collected over the years, so I decided to try again.  I kept track of quotes and various life lessons I took from last week’s family adventure in BC and thought you all might like to learn a thing or two.

We are very lucky to get away as often as we do.  Each year we seem to stretch our vehicle tolerance a bit further and with that, BD’s and my patience grows a little too.  Our trip to BC last week had us in the van for 18 hours both ways and most of the complaining came from me.  Our kids are total rockstars in the van and what’s coolest about that is we do it completely screen free.  It sure makes for some awesome conversation.


  1. To a 6 year old who is still learning to read, Pilot Butte is the FUNNIEST place on earth. And if you are feeling hungry, based on the homemade sign we saw on the highway, Esso in Wolsely Saskatchewan sells popcorn and subs.  
  2.  Adding ‘coo coo’ to the end, makes every knock knock joke, hilarious.
  3. Auto-flushing toilets are a 3 year old’s worst nightmare.
  4. Hiking is best done shirtless.
  5. A man who chair dances while *trying* to reach all of Whitney’s notes is one. sexy. man! 
  6. A 3 year old will never miss an opportunity to scream ‘GET READY TO DUNK YOUR HEAD’ when approaching an overpass.  Particularly awesome on Alberta’s 201 around Calgary after 14 hours in the vehicle.
  7. ‘My Car, Your Car’ is more fun to play in Saskatchewan than in Alberta or BC.
  8. As cool as it may be, a Bald Eagle flying closely overhead may or may not be it’s attempt at scooping your small child.
  10. Tim Hortons really needs to find a better way to redeem their horrific waste production and adjust their environmental impacts with something OTHER than supplying their restrooms with the word’s thinnest, scratchiest toilet paper.
  11. Pack a picnic, find a sketchy road and drive until you get scared.  THAT is where the best adventures are.
  12. You’ll be most thankful for the extra Norwex Enviro Cloths you keep stashed in your car when your oldest daughter gets car sick, all over everything, at hour 2 of your drive home.
  13. Save yourself one million ‘Are we there yets’ by creating some sort of visual that will help the kids understand just how long you will be in the car.  Last year we used a picture of a van that moved along a string I had taped from door frame to door frame, but this year, all they needed was a simple map. 
  14. If you need a good, hearty laugh, sing this song, while Tom Petty’s Free Falling is on the radio.
  15. A lot of people talk to themselves in their cars these days.  "That guy's YELLING!"

Thanks to Grandma and Papa, Unco D & Breet for a fun time and to Amma and Afi for dog-sitting our sweet boy!  We love you!

Also - while I've got your attention...when we were in BC one of our adventures was switched up because of wild fires in the area. It's been very hot there for a long time and there are hundreds of people working around the clock to keep people safe. As a prairie girl, forest fires are not really something I think about all that often.  The next time I think we've got it bad with mosquitos, I'm going to take a quick second to be thankful that we might not have it so bad.  Just a little thought from me to you.
Looking for more sanity?  I'll make you feel normal every day, if you like my Facebook page!

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