Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Welcome to the Fourth Quarter

I asked my youngest to brush her hair six times this morning.  I just dropped her off at school looking like she lives with squirrels.  The crazy in me secretly hopes she gets teased a little.  I’m not sure if my oldest brushed her teeth.  I can’t imagine she did considering she got out of bed at 20 after freaking 8. But I didn’t ask – I wanted to skip the exasperated “uuuugggghhhh – eye roll.”  As for me, I couldn’t find a travel mug, so you can slot me in with one of those people you see trying not to spill their morning cup of life while driving 60 km/hour down Dunkirk - in their pajamas.  It’s June 20.  WELCOME TO THE FOURTH QUARTER.

This time of year someone usually finds that meme about how the school lunch evolves over the year.  In September it’s chef worthy, real - meat sandwiches on whole grain bread with a side of snap peas and hummus and plain Greek yogurt with organic blueberries for snack.  By now, it’s croutons wrapped in tin foil.  Or if you’re like me, you send a couple bucks to school and tell yourself you’re helping the staff out by clearing out the canteen’s stock for the year.  My kids have been eating exclusively Bear Paws for the last week.  It’s fine.

My birthday is June 28, I spent most of my childhood celebrating my birthday on the last day of school.  Hell, my grade 12 graduation day WAS my 18th birthday.  But nope, not now.  Now we go to the absolute bitter end.  Thank you for early dismissal on June 30 guys.  We’re so grateful for that one extra hour.

How amazing are teachers though?  I mean, they. do. not. give. up! And I think more importantly they are still demonstrating patience with people like me. Email – “I lost my kids permission slip, so you can consider this email my permission, oh and do you accept etransfer?” Phone Call – “I just missed a call from my kid, would you go track her down?  She probably just wants a playdate after school, but last week she broke her arm so I want to be sure.” Email – “For the third week, my kid’s library books are sitting on the kitchen table.  How much to just buy them?”  Phone Call – “Is there anyway you can lend her some money for lunch?  Someone stepped on her sandwich.  The canteen only has Bear Paws? That’s great, she’ll take 4.”

Anyways, this is just a quickie to remind you that we are all in the same boat right now parents and the end is near! And thanks teachers. You seriously rule!  Come back next week when I share our summer homework schedule.  I’m thinking about starting a math club, so let me know if you’re interested. BAHAHAAHA.  Yeah freaking right.



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