Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Daycare Schmaycare

I found out today, that my youngest daughter was placed in morning Kindergarten next year, when I asked for afternoons, because of the daycare restrictions of other families.  The afternoon classes filled up first because those kids have morning daycare spots available to them and we all know that securing a daycare spot pulls rank over any other situation. (EYE ROLL)  I am so flippin tired of the daycare system!  

I have been on both sides of the fence.  I have been a parent paying for childcare and I have been paid to care for children.  One of the reasons I think the system is so tainted is because childcare providers deserve waaaaaaaay more money, but when our daughter was being cared for, we couldn’t afford to pay more!

If childcare providers were paid more, maybe there would be more of them because that’s the real problem.  There is not enough GOOD childcare in Manitoba.

I chose not to license my home ‘daycare’ because a) I didn’t want to go through the process and b) there was no way I was ever going to fit 7 kids in my tiny house/yard.  Not to mention, some of the rules and regulations do not jive with my parenting choices.  So the only rule I follow is a very strict one.  I cannot have more than 4 kids (including my own) in my care at any given time.  To be clear, my 15 year old neighbor can babysit the family of 6 down the street while their mom is working the night shift and that is perfectly fine.  But if I was being paid to watch 3 kids and my two kids were home, I would risk being shut down, despite parental permission.  All it would take, was one bitchy neighbor.  I have no idea how many people are out there, entirely capable like me, unlicensed watching 4, but imagine what would happen if the rules changed to 5, or parental consent became a factor!  How many more spaces would open up?  

I only know a few things about being licensed, but one of the most shocking is that if you decide to collect government grants, there is a maximum fee you can charge.  $22.20 under 2 and $18.80 for older kids.  (For the record, 4 children over 2 would work out to less than $8.00/hour – with the grant, AT MOST $12/hour – 50 hour weeks, no overtime)  I understand this being helpful for low income families that require subsidy, but if you have a family in your care whose payments are not subsidized, they are getting a maaaaajor break.  In some cases, they are paying less than HALF of what other families are paying.  And my mildly educated opinion is that because the ‘waiting lists are so long’ and there is such a shortage of availability, those spots should ONLY be held by families that need the help.  The grant money is already allotted based on the number of children requiring subsidy anyways.  In my ‘daycare community’ a discussion popped up on this topic.  “...centres get alot more money then homes do, as far as grant money goes. People also think we get reimbursed for the money we spend on crafts and toys but we don't. The grant money should be for that but most of us need it as the supplement for our rates being so low.  The part that sucks is that once my infants are 2 they are preschool so I either take a pay hit or look for a new infant for another year and make a family look for a new place. That sucks”

I have really wonderful daycare families!!  They are good to me.  Random acts of love, flexible schedules, well behaved children.  The thing is I am really good to them too.  I only charge for part time care, I don’t charge for stats or holidays and I have never taken a sick day!  That said, babysitting is not my sole source of income.  The truth is, if it was, I couldn’t afford to give that flexibility.  My friends will often hear me talking about how there is no money in daycare.  Especially with my own kids in my care.  And while I’m sure the families who are cutting my cheques every month feel differently, I actually don’t bring in that much income. After I pay my insane grocery bill and look after the wear and tear on my house.  (Ooohhh the wear and tear on my house!!!) there isn’t a whole lot left!  That is why so many home daycare providers require non refundable deposits, take paid holidays & stats, charge teachers for the summer, don’t accept part-time clients etc.  And because spaces are so limited across the board, daycare providers hold all the cards and parents simply have to work with them.  This isn’t surprising because as a parent, once you find a childcare provider that compliments your parenting strategy, you will bend over backwards to keep them happy.  It’s an accomplishment enough to find a spot, nevermind find a spot that you’re HAPPY with!  

We have never had our kids in a daycare center and I have never worked in a center, so I’m not sure I can provide a fair opinion but I can sure as hell rant and boy oh boy am I in the mood!   It is very clear the ‘wait list’ the government created to solve all the problems has done absolutely nothing and unless you know somebody or get your name on a list 3 years before you become pregnant you are SOL.  When I was calling for my oldest daughter 7 years ago, one woman actually laughed at me!  So when you DO get a spot in a center, then your entire world revolves around that spot.  If you’re lucky enough to get in to a daycare in your child’s school, you’ll only pay for the portion of the day you are usuing, but if it’s a center that transports (additional fee for transport) unless you can find a family to time-share with you for half day Kindergarten, it is quite likely you will be paying for a full spot, even if you don’t require one. 

Can’t anyone see that no one is winning?  THANK GOD FOR GRANDPARENTS.
Here is what we need: 

  1. Full day Kindergarten
  2. Before and After School Programs in ALL THE SCHOOLS

I have no idea what my future holds.  My youngest is starting Kindergarten and I am already worrying about the difficulty of next year.  Because of her class time, I will be hauling the daycare kids, to and from school (unwalkable in winter) three times/day.  All because 35+ families have no flexibility with their daycare.  Uuuggghhh!  

Thank you for listening.  I almost feel better!  End rant.

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